Last life class before Easter

Another good model holding a single pose all evening. I did two poor drawings, but this third one, all in pencil, worked quite well. A lot of fore shortening, which is a challenge, but I really quite like it. Most people don’t. Her head is far too big. best not to alter it now the model is gone.


Tuesday life class

Back at the class after a two week break. I like these classes because you just pay for when you attend, which has saved me a lot. I always miss sessions for various reasons.

We had a lovely model who not only looked great, but was at least as old as me. I love confident people who are happy to flaunt whatever they have. She had on a pair of “racy” red stockings which she thought might add a little life to things. I think they did. She held one pose for the whole session, with only one break. Remarkable. I did two drawings from the front, displaying my usual ability not to fit everything onto the page.

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I moved around in the second half for two side on sketches, but I think I was losing it somewhat. Drawing for two hours after work is quite tiring.

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