Drawing the little things in life

So we are back in covid lockdown. That will be the theme of life for a while I fear. Art gives us an outlet and purpose which I am thankful for. I’ve been doing little drawings. Partly so I can concentrate on detail, partly as it is quicker and mainly because I am running out of storage volume. One of the first things I’ve drawn small is a little lapis lazuli bead I wear around my neck on a leather thong.

Bread on the left, drawing, about 1.5 times life size, on the right.

I started with a watercolour wash and then lots of dense colour pencil work. It is always surprising how many colours are needed.

I mainly use Polychromos pencils, but I have started trying Luminance a well. Can’t seer any real difference.

The two sides of the bead are quite different, with many pyrites inclusions on one side, so I drew then both and then mounted them in a frame.

I’ve raised the paper to get a shadow edge. Not totally convinced.

I’m very fond of this little bead. Lapis was the source of original ultramarine and I think of it as the artist’s gemstone. I wear it all the time. When I go swimming in the sea it is usually all I wear to preserve my modesty. Seems to work.

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