Curious technique


This is not a great image, but I think it has something lurking in it that I will pursue. It is just two curved stripes of acrylic ink, drawn over with soluble crayons whilst still wet. A bit too wet possibly. The curious red zigzag trail on the right is just a great blob of red ink dropped on the paper by accident. This was meant as a birthday card, but I thought it a bit of a mess, so didn’t send it. On reflection, I think it was probably the better image. No photo of the sent card, so we will never know.

One off watercolour class

We had an extra session wit Mark Kelland at the New Brewery Arts centre. Pen and ink drawing using a photograph of Orvieto Plaza Duomo. I’m not thrilled with working from photos, but this was useful exploring of technique and I was pleased with the outcome. Especially as we have had lunch in the cafe which is buried in here
