Tag Archives: botanical art

Botanical art

Not my usual subject matter. At the drawing class I go to, we were given a poinsettia to draw. I was at a loss, so reached for my colour pencils. I was really pleased with the drawing, as far as I got in the morning (mainly the red top) but it looked a bit wishy washy. The tutor suggested going over it with water colour. This worked beautifully, so I completed the drawing, partly from a photograph, but largely from imagination.

The initial drawing. As far as I got in the class. Just colour pencil so far.
Watercolour washed over. It really intensified the colours, so I started blocking in more leaves in colours pencil.
All the plant drawn and painted.
The completed image, using a much nicer pot than the plastic one the plant was really in. The pit is just in pencil. All the rest is over washed with watercolour